Sunday, August 14, 2011

members all over the world!! :D

Watch this video!!  She is soooo great!  :D

This is Shih Jing Yi from Taibei, Taiwan.  She is amazing!!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

My address...

Hey everyone! The time has finally arrived... I leave for the MTC tomorrow! If anyone would like to write me, my address is:

Sister Monika Lee Malmrose
Canada Vancouver Mission
Provo MTC
2005 N 900 E
Provo, UT 84604

After 3 months:
Sister Monika Lee Malmrose
Canada Vancouver Mission
8440 Williams Rd
Richmond, BC V7A 1G6

I love you all! See you in 18 months!

Saturday, December 5, 2009

So long, farewell, la la lala....

Well, the time has almost arrived for me to depart and serve the Lord full-time for a year and a half in British Columbia. I can't wait!! But before then, I will be giving a talk in my church on Dec. 13th...if any of you are interested in coming, it's going to be at 1pm at the LDS church on 4700 S and about 2600 W in Taylorsville. I would love to see you all there!

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving for me is bittersweet... mostly sweet because I get to see all my family, I get to eat good food, and I'm reminded of how incredibly blessed I am, yet a little bitter because I feel sick to my stomach thinking about all the amazing things I have to be grateful for and wondering how in the world I deserve it all, especially when the majority of the world can't even have the luxury of seemingly simple things like clean water or a writing utensil. Bah. What a paradoxical holiday. I am so blessed!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Summer is officially over...

...which means I can start blogging again! Hooray! Strangely, I felt way more busy during the Summer than I did the rest of the year so I've been slacking a bit on the blog front. Well, and let's face it - Summer is conducive to laziness, am I right?
So for my first post-Summer blog......I have an announcement!!! Can you guess what it is? Here are some pictures to give you a hint:
I'm going to be serving an LDS mission in Vancouver, Canada, Mandarin (oranges) Chinese speaking!!! I leave for the Provo MTC on December 16th. I can't wait!! It will be difficult, but the best thing I can think of to do with my life right now. I owe so much to the Lord and I'm hoping this will be a good start. The love I feel from him is almost overwhelming. I'm so excited to help others feel this same love in their lives! Geez, I am totally in annoying missionary mode right now...sorry about that!:)
Thank you everyone who has helped me be a better person and has inspired me to serve and to teach. And if anyone has any advice to give me regarding ANYTHING about preparing to leave, please feel free to share your secrets! Especially if you know of any stores with CUTE sister missionary clothes - I refuse to be frumpy!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

My Ears Are Still Ringing...

...and it was soooooo worth it!! Last night, Randi and I went to the No Doubt concert (with The Sounds and Paramore opening). No Doubt is quite possibly my favorite band of all time - needless to say, I felt like I was witnessing a small glimpse of heaven. Rock n roll heaven, that is.

We had GA tickets, so we went early to get as close to the front as possible (this is a picture of us waiting in line), and we ended up right in front!! We got smushed up against the fence a few times, but it was so worth it. It may have been pure luck that got me in front at the Britney concert, but being in front at No Doubt was just a result of us being awesome-hardcore-dedicated fans! SHA!!


I didn't think it possible, but Gwen Stefani is even more gorgeous in person. Can you believe she is turning 40 this year?!

So many cool things happened at this show, but two in particular were super sweet. Numero uno: Gwen jumped down from the stage during one song and reached her arms out right where Randi and I were standing, and I totally grabbed her arm!! Numero dos: Tom (the guitarist) threw out a few guitar picks into the audience, and Randi and I got one!!

I've been lucky enough to have gone to some really great shows, but I truly think this was by far the best concert I've ever been to. There is NO DOUBT about it! awww shoot!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Interesting (and a little disturbing) video!

Wake Up, Freak Out - then Get a Grip from Leo Murray on Vimeo.

So if you're like me, the specifics and the technical terms of climate change and anything biology/chemistry-related go way over your head. But I saw this video today in a presentation up at the U, and I actually understood it! Animation always works well to keep my attention. And British accents. So I just thought I'd share it with whomever finds it interesting. For more information on how you can help Momma Earth out, visit This website is still a WIP, but it should be up by the end of this month. It has a lot of suggestions for simple things you can do to be more eco-friendly, and it's main target audience is residents of Salt Lake which is also super excellent. Have a great day!! :)

(Stay tuned for my next blog where I talk about the best night of my life!!)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

2009 so far...

So I've been wanting to write a new blog for a while with new pictures, but I couldn't find the little cord thingy that hooks up my camera to my laptop, but alas! It has been found! I have some good ol' essay writing to get to, so I will make this quick.

Here's my friend Josh and I at a New Years party! We're pretending to be tipsy...with our hot chocolate.

Me and Mandy poo. Precious. :)

Me & Lexi at the annual Malmrose new years bowling extravaganza!!! (Why do I keep making that face?)

After bowling, we all went to the Pie and Will was exploring under the table.

"I'm so sneaky!"

Can't forget Chinese New Year! This was at a festival at Cottonwood High. Super cool.

Well, that about sums up January! ('s April, you fool.) I have many more pictures from this year, so stay tuned! In the meantime, hope you are all having a lovely week!